August 11, 2023

A clean and lightweight TypeScript Next.js Starter powered by the tools (nearly) everybody use

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This is a template for a Next.js project based on create-next-app
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⚡ Quickstart

You can click on the button Use this template or start a new project with create-next-app

npx create-next-app -e
yarn create next-app -e
pnpm create next-app -e

🧠 Philosophy

  • To be opinionated on the tools, but not on the code
  • To help implementing a scalable, module-based directory organization

What's included

Next JS TypeScript Jest Testing-Library cypress Storybook ESLint GitHub Actions

What's not included?

  • Any styling solution
  • Any library for state management, nor for graphql/rest handling
  • Visual changes to the standard create-next-app template

🎛️ Scripts

  • dev: Start server on dev mode
  • build: Build code for production
  • start: Start production server
  • lint: Lint code
  • test: Run Jest
  • test:watch: Run Jest on watch mode for the file provided as argument
  • test:watchAll: Run Jest on watch mode for all the files
  • test:coverage: Run Jest on coverage mode
  • prepare: Install husky hooks
  • commit: Run commitizen
  • release: Run changelog generation and version bumping
  • storybook: Run Storybook in development mode
  • build-storybook: Run Storybook in build mode

🔪 Directories organization


For a better organization, the code is organized inside the src folder, while the configuration files and the public directory are located at the root level.

This is supported by Next.js by default.


This folder is used only for routing purposes. Every file inside the pages folder should not have any logic attached but to re-export the modules (default for the Component, named for server-side data fetching functions) from the scenes folder.


A scene represents a logical set of screens (or just one) from the application and is formed by:

  • One or more "page" components.
  • If they are needed, one or more data-fetching functions (getStaticProps, getStaticPaths, getServerSideProps)
  • Other files or folders which are used by the scene(s) component(s).
  • components
  • utils
  • *.stories.tsx

Each scene can serve to different pages, by using different combinations of page components and data-fetching functions:

  • A scene could export two different components (or "sub-scenes"), along with the same getStaticProps function.
  • The two components represent the same information and use internally most of the same sub-components while maintaining a completely different layout (including subtle variations on the sub-components).
  • The route "/items/layout-a" could point to one of the components, while "/items/layout-b" could point to the other one.

If needed, a scene can contain also other folders like components, and data… with modules shared across the scene.

If you want, you can place your unit tests and stories at the same level as your code.


Each subfolder inside the apiHandlers folder contains one or more handlers (which will be later imported by the api routes) and optionally the tests, utilities, or any other type of auxiliary file.


The layout is formed by a component, along with a function called getLayout which will be imported by the scene and placed in the special getLayout property of the scene component.

Refer to the Next.js documentation for more info about the layouts

src/components, src/data, src/helpers, src/utils…

Just use a folder at the src level for any kind of file which is shared by two or more scenes.


You can use this directory for your integration tests with Jest


e2e (and/or integration) tests and fixtures for Cypress


Configuration files for Storybook


CI/CD and bumping workflows for GitHub Actions

🤷 F.A.Q.

Shall I use the version bumping manually or with the action provided

If you are using already GitHub actions

  • If are comfortable with the workflow, just remember not to run the release command manually
  • If you prefer to bump manually, delete the bumping.yml file inside .github/workflows folder. Whenever you want to do the bumping, run the release script and push your files and tags.

If you are not using GitHub actions

You can safely delete the .github folder or just forget about its existence as it won't harm your project.

How to integrate X feature/technology into my project?

Please, refer to the official Next.js documentation