August 11, 2023

A simple and light-weight SEO plugin for Next.js applications


Testing Gzipped size

A simple and light-weight SEO plugin for Next.js applications.

Although next-head-seo supports only essential SEO properties, it would be enough for most websites.

If you need advanced SEO settings such as structured data, use next-seo instead.


$ npm install next-head-seo
# or with yarn
$ yarn add next-head-seo


Import next-head-seo on each page component and add the desired properties.


// pages/example.tsx
import NextHeadSeo from 'next-head-seo';

const Page = () => (


); export default Page // Output: // // Hello! // // // // //

Default SEO Settings

There are 2 options to configure default SEO properies.

Place default on _app.tsx

First option is to place with default values on _app.tsx.

// pages/_app.tsx
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import NextHeadSeo from 'next-head-seo';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      {/* Default SEO configuration */}
      {/* Place  after  */}

export default MyApp

Make sure is placed before since next-head-seo respects the latter value for same property name.

Create Wrapper Component for next-head-seo

Alternatively, just create a wrapper component which can be used on each page component. This is more flexible and reliable way to set default values.

Here is an example of wrapper component:

// components/MyPageSeo.tsx
import NextHeadSeo from 'next-head-seo';

// types
export type MyPageSeoProps = {
  path: string;
  title?: string;
  description?: string;
  ogImagePath?: string;
  noindex?: boolean;
  noTitleTemplate?: boolean;

export const MyPageSeo: React.FC = (props) => {
  const {
    title = "Default title",
    description = "Default description",
    ogImagePath = "/default-og.png",
  } = props;

  // Set APP_ROOT_URL on enviroment variables
  // e.g. APP_ROOT_URL=
  const APP_ROOT_URL = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ROOT_URL;

  // Absolute page url
  const pageUrl = APP_ROOT_URL + path
  // Absolute og image url
  const ogImageUrl = APP_ROOT_URL + ogImagePath

  return (

Then, place in each page component.

// pages/example.tsx
import { MyPageSeo } from "../components/MyPageSeo"

const Page = () => (


); export default Page // Output: // // Hello! - MyAppName // // // // // // // // // // //


All the props for next-head-seo are optional.

| Prop | Description | Type | |----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | title | ✅ Recommended to set on all pages.
Page title. | string | | canonical | ✅ Recommended to set on all pages.
Canonical URL of the page. | string | | robots | Set noindex, nofollow only when you don't want the page to be indexed on search engines. Otherwise you don't have to use this prop. | "noindex, nofollow"
"index, follow"
"nofollow" | | description | ✅ Recommended to set on all pages.
Page description. Text after 150 characters will be truncated as Google do. | string | | twitter.card | Twitter card image type. Set along with og:image prop.
See detail: Twitter Cards | "summary"
"app" | | | Twitter username starting with @ | string | | og.title | For og:title. Automatically use title value if blank.
See detail: Open Graph protocol | string | | og.description | For og:description. Automatically use description value if blank. | string | | og.url | For og:url. Automatically use canonical value if blank. | string | | og.image | For og:image. Set image url. | string | | og.type | For og:type. | "article"
"profile" | | og.siteName | For og:site_name | string | | customMetaTags | Array of object for custom meta tags. See customMetaTags section. | An array of objects | | customLinkTags | Array of object for custom link tags. See customLinkTags section. | An array of objects |

Custom Meta Tags

You can set additional meta tags. Example:

// Output:

If you want to override custom meta tags from another page component, use same keys for both component.


// in /pages/_app.tsx

// in /pages/example.tsx

// Output:

Custom Link Tags

You can set additional link tags. Example:

// Output:

If you want to override custom link tags from another page component, use same keys for both component. Example:

// in /pages/_app.tsx

// in /pages/example.tsx

// Output: