August 11, 2023

Google Search Clone Built Using React And Tailwind CSS

About The Project

enter image description here A functional replica of Google's search page, you can use it for searches. Styled with Tailwind CSS to Rapidly build and look as close as possible to current google search page, the search results are pulled using Googles Programmable Search Engine and it was build using Next.js the react framework.

Project is live here

Please do not spam searches.

Built With

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Getting Started


This are things you need to use the web app and how to install them.

  • yarn
  npm install --global yarn 
  yarn dev   // to run local server
### Installation

1. Get a free API_KEY at [](
   Get ( Search engine ID ) CONTEXT_KEY at

3. Clone the repo

sh git clone

4. Add Next

sh yarn add next react react-dom

  1. Install all dependencies
6. Create a .env.local file to store your api keys

js APIKEY = ' ' //API Key CONTEXT_KEY = ' ' // Context Key ( Search engine ID )

  1. Use dummy data for testing const useDummyData = false; //true for development testing (mock results) change it in search.js (Free version of google search api has a quota of 100 search results per day use dummy data so that you don't exhaust the quota)
  2. To run on local host use ```sh yarn dev //starts a local server

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.

Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch
  3. Commit your Changes
  4. Push to the Branch
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Contact Gmail
@PrithviYewale Twitter
@cosmic.wanderer._ Instagram

Project Link:

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