August 11, 2023

Minimal react three fiber Starter using Next.js with TypeScript and Styled Components

:ice_cube: Next Three Fiber Starter

:desktop_computer: Live Demo :


:warning:This is my official r3f-next starter. Had a previous one but code was all over the place and wasnt happy with organization and have also learned alot more, will leave up tho for those who are using it :warning:

Minimal react three fiber Starter using Next.js and its new app directory with TypeScript and Styled Components

How To Use

I pretty much implented the way Renaud ROHLINGER used View from react-three/drei and tunnel to add webGL onto the page since I loved it so much

Run the following command to create a new project with this Starter:

yarn r3f-sketch my-app --template next
# or
npx r3f-sketch my-app --template next