August 11, 2023

Solana NFT Marketplace built with Next.js

Solana Nft Marketplace (FinalProjectSolana)

:dart: ${In\ this\ project\ you\ have\ to\ know:}$


## 🛠 ${Install\ dependencies}$

 npm install @metaplex-foundation/js
 npm install @solana/wallet-adapter-base
 npm install @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui
 npm install @tailwindcss/typography
 npm install typewriter-effect
 npm install @solana/web3.js

Responsive | Desktop :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: image | image

## ☝ ${With\ this\ App}$ 🚀

Solana | NftMarketplace :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: image | image


## 📝 ${Let's\ start}$ To run this repo :

 npm install


 yarn install

Warning Please be sure that you install all dependencies!

And write in your terminal :

 npm run dev

And have fun 🎉

## ☕ ${Let's\ scroll\ through\ the\ pages}$

  • ### 👀 ${With\ this\ page\ you\ can\ learn\ your\ balance\ and\ airdrop\ to\ your\ account.}$ image

  • ### 🛠 ${If\ you\ have\ Nfts\ in\ your\ account\ this\ page\ displays\ your\ all\ nfts\ automaticly.}$


  • ### ✨ ${Explore !!!\ You\ can\ explore\ and\ filter\ Nfts\ by\ names.}$


  • ### 🍭 ${If\ you\ have\ cany\ machine\ addres\ you\ can\ easily\ get\ your\ nfts\ from\ candy\ machine.}$ If you have no address you can try with mine :
