August 11, 2023

WhatsApp UI Clone using NextJS and TypeScrip

🔗 Web WhatsApp - UI Clone

🚀 Web apllication (Web WhatsApp) developed using NextJS + TypeScript + TailwindCSS technologies.


🧭 Running in a browser (Frontend)

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Access the folder project in your terminal/cmd
$ cd web-whatsapp-ui-clone

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Run  the application in development mode
$ npm run start

# The application will open in port:3000 - go to http://localhost:3000

🛠 Technologies

The following tools were used in building the project:

Website (React JS + TypeScript)

See the file package.json

📷 Screenshots

Screenshot memory game

📝 License

This project is under license MIT.

Made by Wallace de Freitas 👋🏽